Avoid burnout
Avoid burnout
Welcome to the puzzle
Your pragmatic toolbox to thrive self-inflicted stress and uncertainty in weeks. Transform how you live!
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The Puzzle exists in 2 formats: audio and online. It is available upon subscription.
The Puzzle is not suitable to overcome physical or psychological abuses, nor mental diseases. I urge you to liaise with professionals for support should you be in such a case.
1st Step
Explore the Puzzle framework
Deep dive
2nd Step
Witness how others have used the Puzzle and inspire yourself
People's story
3rd Step
1. Pick one Puzzle piece
2. Apply the tip
3. Follow up on progress & results
4. Acknowledge positive impact
5. Repeat
The puzzle tips
Practice book
Introducing the Puzzle Thoughts
We each handle mental pressure and emotions differently: these thoughts are examples, and not an absolute truth. They are not to tell you what or how you should think.
These examples are to inspire you. Look at how other people think, and spark your mind to release self-inflicted stress and handle uncertainty
The Puzzle is built like Russian Dolls - from the Tiny Puzzle to the Full Puzzle. The idea is to introduce more and more thoughts, and more and more Puzzle pieces as you progress.
You can either read the thoughts selecting one Puzzle piece and going through the different versions of it. Or you can choose to look at a Puzzle version in full. There is not rule but to approach it as it suits you best.
Each Puzzle is declined in 2 versions: thoughts before the Puzzle, and after.
The Puzzle is written in the 1st person to entail maximum impact.
Myself is multiple
Every morning when the alarm clock rings, I am immediately awake and my brain running at 200%, with tons of ideas and a long list of things to do.
My Ego
This is no time to fool around: I have to work harder and faster if I want to be successful!
My Compass
I am very afraid that if I work less, then my performance will be impacted and I'll end up being fired.
The Universal Rule that governs my life
I see stressed people everywhere: parents at school juggling between work and kids, stressed drivers, stressed colleagues. Even the President of New Zealand burned out!
The TINY Puzzle
BEFORE the Puzzle
Myself is multiple
Every morning when the alarm clock rings, I am immediately awake and my brain running at 200%. On purpose, I do not get up: I take a few minutes to breathe and focus on the air coming in and out, as I need to slow down.
My Ego
I am conscious that my Ego wants to protect me, but I need to have a chat with myself to find a better way - as I can't continue at high speed at work.
My Compass
I have decided that I cannot live in fear. This is not something I want for myself, nor to pass on to my children.
The Universal Rule that governs my life
I was crossing town during the day and it was very interesting to look around: in the same age range, some people are very stressed, while others seem quite relaxed!
AFTER the Puzzle
The Universal Rule that governs my life
You only succeed in life if you work hard. So I have to work hard, and even harder if I want to make it to the top!
My Ego
There is so much to do and I have so little time. I must be disorganized: I have to do better... but where will I find the time to reorganize myself?!
My Compass
I am so scared I am not doing good enough! So I check and recheck everything I do, and that my team does. Still there, I don't catch all the mistakes. This is exhausting!
Mastering my life
There are so many people fired these days: they must really be worried about finding their next job. And on top, mental illness is peaking! I really understand: this must be hell to be unemployed!!
Myself is Multiple
I am starting to be really exhausted, but I don't want to show it! I have to keep going!
The SMALL Puzzle
BEFORE the Puzzle
The Universal Rule that governs my life
I am a hard worker but I start to wonder whether I should not set limits. I barely have time to live - eat, sleep, shower... all of it I rush through, so I maximize my time at work. But this is not a life: this is modern slavery! I saw a kid saying “no” to his parents in the street: he put so much energy into it!! I should do the same!!
My Ego
I am going to need the help of my Ego if I want to change my habits! I will need a lot of courage, and also determination. It will not be easy to do less given how perfectionist I am, but together we can!
My Compass
I realize I do too much and I have a hard time delegating. I do find mistakes, but is it worth the extra effort I put into it?! I am starting to think the team could do with less involvement on my side on some topics!
Mastering my life
I read a lot lately about teaching self-confidence early in life, and how much it helps! I also heard people talking about portfolios of activities, like being employed and having other activities on the side - so you don’t have all your eggs in the same basket. This is encouraging: there are options!
Myself is Multiple
I am so exhausted, I wonder how I can still stand! I wish I could hide it, but I don't have the energy. Plus everyone sees it anyways, so I wouldn't fool anyone! I might as well open up and seek for help from people I trust.
AFTER the Puzzle
The Universal Rule that governs my life
So many people have been promoted in the company, while they really don't have anything special! The good ones are not rewarded, and I can see that lazy people are winning over hard workers like me! How unfair!!
My Ego
I wonder what people really think about me?! Anyways I can only speculate as I have 0 time to invest into building relationships!
Living in the present
I am multitasking all the time, but I am still able to capture well what goes on around me. Just that I miss some parts! I can't do otherwise, between emails, work to do and meetings!
Mastering my Life
I feel like the hamster in the wheel, but I don't know how to jump off the train while it goes at full speed! Plus I don't really want to jump, because I like my job!! My head is hurting: I can't think straight, it is too full. I hope one day I can find time to rest, and then I'll find the energy to change!
Myself is Multiple
I go to bed late and work wakes me up during the night. I hope no one noticed, as I pretend this is normal work pressure!
My Compass
I am so tired I am no longer sure what to believe! I was hoping things would change as I became a manager. But I just get more and more work! I am lost and losing confidence life can be better.
The Protection in my head
There is no way I can stop this trend: I am swamped, and more is coming. I just have to keep going, and things will get better... eventually!
The Pollution in My Head
I know I should sit down and think about what to change, but I feel so guilty when I do it! The company needs me, and I am here losing time!! I just can't do it, I must get back to work!
BEFORE the Puzzle
The Universal Rule that governs my life
I have not been promoted and that was hard to take. Yet the good part is that it made me take a step back: is work really worth my health? I am starting to realize there is a life besides work!
My Ego
I am isolating myself from the team, and that is not a comfortable place to be. I will make the effort to share a coffee once in a while, as I don’t want to be all alone in the office.
Living in the present
While I thought I could split myself and do both emails and meetings, I realize this is not working! I end up not doing well on all fronts! At times I will still multitask, but I will also choose a few meetings where I will be fully present.
Mastering my Life
I can't think because my head is too full. I need to change perspective now, because I won’t be able to take this much longer! I am putting the firm first, but if I am in trouble, then the company too! Just like in a plane: first put the mask on myself, then help others! Time to take good care of myself first!
Myself is Multiple
I don't sleep a lot and I see that this is impacting my behaviour. I have a lot less patience. So I have decided to change my routine to go to bed. I will stop look at screens at least 30 minutes before, and do some breathing exercises to relax before sleep.
My Compass
I want to believe it is possible to have a better life: without hope, I will collapse! And I can’t live in fear either: I do not need to deserve something I already have!
The Protection in my head
I realize I have to step up for myself and do a better job at taking care of myself!
The Pollution in my Head
I have let my Ego lead my life, and that is not a good place to be! I have many horrible scenarios in my head - yet they are only in my head. Reality is different!
AFTER the Puzzle
The Universal rule that governs my life
The world is evolving so fast, I feel that so many people will be left behind!! Between climate change, AI, new management models...! Even the simple things: the other day I bought a fridge, and it felt that I needed a PhD to understand which model to choose!!I
My Filter
There is no room in my life but for my brain!! My Filter is fully dedicated to my Ego. I have no time for my body, and my emotions are quite negative. But it is OK because fear has always been a good motor to keep me going!
Connecting to myself
I have headache from lack of sleep, my back is tense. Sport is to go from one meeting room to the next! And I have no time for emotions!
Mastering my Life
I don't think I can have any influence on my work life. I do my best, I go with the flow, I work hard, and I hope to be recognized and valued for it. I will relax when I retire, now is time for focusing on being a good employee!
Myself is Multiple
I cannot show how difficult it is for me to come to work lately. I have to be strong!!
My Compass
Everything is stressful. And there is no prioritization possible: each problem is important! Work is getting more complex by the day!
The Protection in my head
Protecting myself is not for me! Some behaviours impact me, but I am strong. I don't say anything when someone is mean: I am better than that!
The Pollution in my head
I have so many things in mind! Luckily I have a good brain and am quick at anticipating problems. And good, because there are a lot to deal with!!
My Ego
The firm is a business. They need the best employees, giving the best of themselves! I must excel else I won't remain relevant.
Living in the present
It is merely impossible for me to be fully present! I have so many ideas in my head, that I easily snap and forget what is going on around me!
The FULL Puzzle
BEFORE the Puzzle
Questions on the Puzzle?
Choose a Puzzle piece and find answers in the introduction, deep dives or FAQ
Seeking for inspiration?
Go through People’s stories to find out how others have leverage the Puzzle to solve their challenge
Want to introduce the Puzzle into your life?
Apply the Puzzle tips yourself, or leverage the Practice Book for guided steps
The Universal rule that governs my life
The world evolves so rapidly! It is both scary and at the same time creates so many new opportunities. Kids building up start ups, engineers coming up with low consumption device, AI complementing doctors for diagnosis...! This is impressive progress to watch, together with the positive energy that comes with it!
My Filter
I think too much, and I have nothing in hand today that counterbalances my Ego! I need and want to find ways to make room also for the rest of myself - my body, my emotions - before it is too late.
Connecting to myself
My will keeps me going, not sure for how long! My health matters: I will take a walk each day. And treat myself with a massage, to release the tension in my back!
Mastering my Life
I am not proud of myself, and that does not feel right! I work hard, but there is always a next step to reach! Maybe it is worth savouring more what I have? Even if it is to spend 2 seconds being grateful for something, it is still 2 seconds of feeling well! Time to start enjoying my life, step by step!
Myself is Multiple
My company is talking about being vulnerable. Maybe I don't have to pretend I am strong? Maybe they really care and can help me?!
My Compass
Work is very complex, but that also could be because I am tired and less lucid. I can't keep up this way: I don't fully know yet how, but I have decided to change my life. That idea is already comforting!
The Protection in my head
While I am not very vocal, some behaviors hurt me. I am too tired to have difficult conversations, but I will protect myself starting by avoiding these toxic people.
The Pollution in my head
Being good at anticipating problems is backfiring: I see too many risks! As nothing terrible is happening, maybe I could release pressure on myself?
My Ego
My firm certainly needs the best committed associates - but if I burn out, I am no use! I need to learn how to release the pressure I put on myself!
Living in the present
Being present requires discipline. I want to do everything at once - but I am coming to realize that it is not possible! I will start small, and commit myself to being fully present 5 minutes per day. Baby steps!