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Life is a Puzzle. Master the Pieces. Live well.

Being well during a job search - People's stories

#4. Job interviews are emotional roller coasters!


The Puzzle is a solution to deal with stress and uncertainty

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The Puzzle is a solution to deal with stress and uncertainty

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The Puzzle is a solution to deal with stress and uncertainty

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The Puzzle is a solution to deal with stress and uncertainty

The Puzzle exists in 2 formats: audio and online.​ It is available upon subscription.

live well be well

The Puzzle is not suitable to overcome physical or psychological abuses, nor mental diseases. I urge you to liaise with professionals for support should you be in such a case.

1st Step


Explore the Puzzle framework


Deep dive


2nd Step


Witness how others have used the Puzzle and inspire yourself

People's story


3rd Step


1. Pick one Puzzle piece
2. Apply the tip
3. Follow up on progress & results
4. Acknowledge positive impact
5. Repeat

Deep dive


Introduction - People's stories

All People's stories are written in the 1st person to reinforce their impact.

While anonymity is preserved, all stories are inspired by real facts.

People's stories are examples, to feed you with concrete cases of how the Puzzle has been used. They are not to tell you what to think, or absolute truth: they were created with the intent to illustrate how you can transform your life with the Puzzle.

Each People’s story is presented in the following way:
Part 1. The authentic life experience
Part 2. What that same moment could have been, leveraging the Puzzle
Part 3. Decoding the story through the lens of the Puzzle framework

Part 1 - This interview process sent me on the worst emotional rollercoaster ever!!

I saw this job advertising and it felt like this job was meant for me! It listed all what I could do and liked doing. I was therefore very happy when they called me back!! The first interview was with an external recruiter: she shared that they wanted to choose a candidate within 1 month, so the whole process would be quick. I would not have to wonder for too long to know!
She told me she validated our conversation, and would recommend me for the next round of interviews. I should be recontacted by a future-potential-peer the following week.

Next week - nothing.

By mid of the other week, as still nothing had arrived, I sent an email reconfirming my motivation and making myself available for any additional question.

No answer.

I started feeling nervous, wondering what was going on?

3rd week same - nothing.

At that point, I was very disappointed: I guessed they would not continue the process with me. Plus I was losing confidence in myself, as I was such a match for the role! If even in this case I would not be interviewed, then how would I be able to find another job?!
4th week a manager contacted me, apologizing for being busy, and asked me whether I would be open to meet, to continue the interview process for the role? Of course I was!! I was full of hope again, the more so as we met shortly. He told me he liked our discussion and my profile, and he would recommend me for an interview with the head of the team - my potential boss. This time it did not take long: a few days after I had the invite, and the last interview was within 10 days.
There again it went well, and the boss told me he would decide the following week.

The following week - nothing.

The next one - still nothing. So I sent again a little email, and shared reference contacts if they still had open questions.

No answer.

At that point I was very confused: every morning I would wake up wondering whether today would be the day when I would have an answer, whether it would be positive, what the offer would look like...
At times, I could not help think this role was for me, and the next minute I would interpret this silence as a negative answer. I really did not know what to expect!!

3rd week - still nothing.

We were getting close to 2.5 months from the start of the interview process (which was supposed to take 1 month maximum!).

I started to get angry. Who were these people to treat me like this!!?! And how could they think I would want to work for them, when they were not even able to keep me motivated as a future talent in their team?! I was no longer sure I wanted to work for them.... and at the same time I would have loved to be offered this job!! So many contradicting feelings, this was draining!!

2 weeks later, I finally got an email for an invite with the recruiting manager - 7 days from then. Not ideal as I still had to wait, but at least I had a deadline! Plus I thought, if they meet with me it is a good sign - else they would have sent an email. I was hanging to that thought!

2 days before the call, the very first recruiter sent me a chat message informing me I was not selected for the role. All this for 3 lines in a chat?! I obviously was very disappointed. Lost for lost, I asked her whether the call with the manager was still on? She asked me to wait. It took her 15 minutes to come back to me: the longest 15 minutes of my life!!! She said she had it wrong. Sorry, she had so many roles to manage, this answer was for another position I had applied to.
At that point I was very mad, but managed to control myself as all was in writing via chat. Thought I might as well ask whether the call was about making me an offer? To which the recruiter responded (I quote!) "it is very presumptuous of me to ask as I had not even talked to the hiring manager".....!!!! Good for her we were not in the same room: I was ready for a fight!! I took a deep breath and answered politely, even gave her the chronology of interviews and the dates. She apologized and told me she had asked the hiring manager to talk to all the candidates he had interviewed. The call was maintained and it was not up to her to tell me what information would be shared then.

2 days after the hiring manager told me he had picked another candidate.
Somewhere I was relieved, as I still was so angry at them. I would not have known what to say if they had made an offer!












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Part 2 - I learnt a lot with the worst interview process ever!

I saw this job advertising and it felt like this job was meant for me!! It listed all what I could do and liked doing. I was therefore very happy when they called me back!! The first interview was with an external recruiter: she shared that they wanted to make a decision within 1 month, so the whole process would be quick! I know I can be quick at projecting myself in a new role/new company - and that is a good thing to be optimistic!
Still, I also decided that, this time, I would manage differently. While remaining committed and hopeful as it is my nature, I would also write down the questions I would have about the job, and make a side note for myself what I liked and liked less about the people I would meet, the job and the company. To be more factual in my approach, and ensure most of it would suit me - as I did not want to end up looking for another role any time soon! And to create some distance too this was not the end of the world if it did not work.
The recruiter told me he was happy with our conversation and would recommend me for the next round of interviews. I should be recontacted by a future-potential-peer next week.

Next week - nothing.

By mid of the other week, as still nothing had arrived, I sent an email reconfirming my motivation and making myself available for any additional question.

No answer.

I started feeling nervous, wondering what was going on? I decided to make the conscious effort to live in the present, and not pollute myself with too many questions, or too many possible scenarios. Right now I was OK, and there was nothing more I could do to speed them up. What I could do was to enjoy today and the upcoming days, and focus on what was going on in my life.
My objective was to find a job, not to wait for a job - so I continued applying on-line and networking. I also made the room to do a bit more sports, so I could evacuate the tension I could sense build up in my body with all this waiting.

3rd week same - nothing.

At that point I was very disappointed: I thought they would not continue the process with me. And was losing confidence in myself, as I was such a match for the role: if even in this case I would not be interviewed, then how would I be able to find another job....?! But then, as questions and answers would start piling up in my head, I asked myself whether I was sure? Whether I was 100% sure what was going on? Plus was I sure my worth was only towards that role? Was I 100% sure this role and their answer was worth my self-confidence?
And I asked myself these questions over and over, each time my doubts came back.

4th week a manager contacted me apologizing for being busy, and asked me whether I would be open to meet, to continue the interview process for the role?! Of course I was!! I was full of hope again, the more so as we met shortly. He told me he liked our discussion and my profile, and he would recommend me for an interview with the head of the team - my potential boss. This time it did not take long: a few days after I had the invite, and the last interview was within 10 days.
There again it went well, and the boss told me he would decide the following week. I was of course happy, yet sticking to my process of writing down the plus and minus. I could not deny that something was not right. I decided to pursue the process and remained committed to the role, but had a question mark around the people I would be working with.

The following week - nothing. The next one, still nothing.

So I sent again a little email, sharing reference contacts if they still had open questions. No answer. At that point, obviously my doubts came back! Still, I noticed I was getting better at it: they polluted me less and less, as I kept practicing my "are you sure” questions!

3rd week - still nothing.

We were getting close to 2.5 months from the start of the interview process (which was all in all supposed to take 1 month maximum!).

I started to get angry. Who were these people to treat me like this!!?! It felt good to be protected by my Ego – to be angry at not being treated well. And then I realized it was not about how they treated me. They were not doing anything to me, but kept me waiting - and a few weeks is arguably OK. Plus when you are busy with your own job, time does not have the same speed nor value.

I was doing this to myself: they had done nothing to me!! This was such a big eye opener!! If I felt that strong about this silence, maybe I had a Cold Case to address?! So I started digging: how does silence make me feel? uncomfortable.
How does 'uncomfortable' translate physically? Ball in my throat and node in my stomach.
OK - take a deep breath and focus on these 2 physical pain points up to 2 minutes max, until they vanish.
Back to questioning: why does silence make me uncomfortable? It means I don't exist.
How is it when I don't exist? unbearable.
Is it true that I don't exist when people don't talk to me ? Is it 100% sure or could there be some other explanation? There could be other reasons.
How do I feel when I exist? Alive. Meaningful.
And how does that feel when I am alive and meaningful? It feels good.
What role do these people play in making me meaningful and alive? None. Can I give to myself being meaningful and alive? yes.

2 weeks later, I finally got an email for an invite with the recruiting manager - 7 days from then. Not ideal as I still had to wait, but at least I had a deadline so better! Plus I thought, if they meet with me it is a good sign - else they would send an email. I was hanging on to that thought!

2 days before the call, the very first recruiter sent me a chat message informing me I was not selected for the role. All this for 3 lines in a chat?! I obviously was very disappointed. Lost for lost, I asked her whether the call with the manager was still on? She asked me to wait. It took her 15 minutes to come back to me, the longest 15 minutes of my life!!! She said she had it wrong. Sorry, she had so many roles to manage, this answer was for another one I had applied to.
At that point I was still mad, but I also make mistakes so I also had empathy. Thought I might as well give it a chance and asked whether the call was about making me an offer? To which the recruiter responded (I quote!) "it is very presumptuous of me to ask as I had not even talked to the hiring manager"....!!!!
I stopped her and told her I had gone through the entire process, and how stressful this whole process was. The recruiter remained silent for a bit and wrote me a long paragraph explaining how stretched they all were, and how much she would love to have more time to do her job better. She was genuinely sorry, and made the manager set up this closure meeting with candidates to show we do matter (rather than just send an answer by email). I thanked her for doing so and we left it there.

2 days after the hiring manager told me she had picked another candidate.

I felt relieved this emotional roller coaster had ended! It also felt that I had learnt a lot about myself. I now know that, moving forward, I will handle waiting times a lot better!

Part 3 - The Puzzle decoder

Let's decode this People's story with the lens of the Puzzle pieces.




It is not easy to live in the present when I am mad. I then tend to project my thoughts in the conversation, and everything the other person does somewhere feeds my anger! In this example, I managed to control myself during the chat conversation with the recruiter - because I had time to think about the message to write. A face to face conversation would most likely have been more colorful!

Still, while this conversation felt like the cherry on the cake, nothing wrong had really happened until then. What that company had done was to miss their deadlines and keep silent: that in itself does not justify the emotional roller coaster I went through.

The reason why I was so angry at the recruiter in the first place was also because she crystallized all my frustrations! I could no longer keep it inside: someone had to be guilty for it! But the situation did not deserve it.

I did it all to myself, following blindly my Ego, and living in my own head instead of being present.



When I am polluting myself with a Cold Case, my Filter is clearly overruled! My Ego takes over and rules my days: there is no room to check on how I feel, emotionally or physically. I can only reconnect with my emotions and body when my Ego is in a reasonable state. Before so, the storm in my head takes it all!

To be able to reconnect with myself, I shall come down my Ego. Then, at a later stage, when I am ready, address my Cold Case.




Interestingly, I was so mad at this company (to the point of considering to disregard an offer they could make) just because of how they (supposedly) treated me. I was also losing self-confidence because of their silence. Blaming them for a lot, and for putting me through all these emotions.... while really they were not doing anything. It is quite standard to miss deadlines when one recruits. Not great, but expected.

In reality, I made myself live through all this. No one else did: I did this to myself. That is both the beauty and the sad part of it. The beauty because if I could do this to myself, I also have all the tools to stop it! And the sad part, because until I realize so, I feel powerless and victimized.
The situation is often not what it seems to be. Before reacting too quickly; it is worth checking for my own sanity how other people react to it - so I can benchmark whether this is me only (in which case it is in my head). Typically here, none of the interviewers were very sorry when starting an interview, so that was a sign that time was not perceived the same way on both sides of the conversation.

Also, when my Compass is set on impatience and frustration - then I get more of it. In the example, the more time went by, the more these feelings grew. Up to being unbearable! Unless I am able to stop this mental process, I end up reacting strongly or unleashing all this anger at other people. Being able to go through a Cold Case makes the pressure go away - as the reason that triggers this pressure no longer exists.

Last, at times I need to step up for myself. Typically when the recruiter went too far in its chat exchange, I was able to set the limits - rather than take it all and be polite. When I protect myself, I can leverage my Ego and the anger it fuels me with, to respond in a strong and pointed manner. And that feels good! Plus as I am not blind with anger, the dialogue is still on!



When I decide that a situation is unbearable, anything that pertains to that situation adds to it. In this example, I had to wait, and more and more in between interviews. And time became more and more annoying. Seconds started to feel like minutes, and then like hours! I was probably also very impatient in my life during these months! Maybe I was stuck in traffic jams more than usually, or felt that people were being slow at serving in shops?! I notice more of what I feel like.

Mastering my life is also about acknowledging what went well, and what progress I am making.
- First, I learned a lot through this experience - and thanks to it, I will live much better any upcoming interview process!
- Second, I made it to the final interview. That in itself is a small victory. It shows that I am valued, and my profile is interesting to hiring managers. It shows that I did perform well during the interviews, and articulated clearly my competences and soft skills. This is very encouraging for future interviews, and I can be proud of myself for all the steps completed.

The end goal of being offered the job did not happen, yet a lot of other things did happen!! I can take a moment to acknowledge so and congratulate myself, before searching again.

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