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You are 1 step away from learning how to stop the negative impact stress & uncertainty carries into your life.

The best part?

We guarantee your success!


Step 1 out of 2: Watch this brief video in full

Step 2 out of 2: schedule your discovery call

Your answers will remain completely confidential: they are used to prepare  the call and ensure we make the best of your time.


Talk with Rachel

Making a positive impact is our obsession

What we will discuss on our discovery call


Check what our customers say


They trust us *

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* As we work on mental health, confidentiality is paramount: you will find no company name or last names on our website.
You see here organizations which trust us and have helped us, relayed and promoted the good work we do. 


Result based approach

Our Crazy Guarantee*

Our goal is to enable you to live an amazing life, rather than struggle.

And we take this objective very seriously: if you are not a 4 out of 5 on our Resilience Scale** within 12 months, we refund you - in full. 


So worst case you will find some peace of mind, learn proven techniques, and it will cost you nothing.

* Thee Puzzle is not suitable if you need professional psychological support
** The 5 levels of Resilience: #1 Overwhelmed, #2 Struggling, #3 Managing, #4 Empowered, #5 Thriving. Read more


Check out our Thee Puzzle YouTube channel 

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You don’t need any special background to learn from our breakthrough program.
You don't need to wait for months to start seeing positive results.
You don’t need to be a geek to use our technology. 

All you need is a desire to reduce the negative impact stress and increase have on your life.

You will learn the most effective techniques to stop the emotional rollercoaster, with guaranteed results.
There is no equivalence to Thee Puzzle program anywhere.

We have created an exceptional engine to ensure stress and uncertainty no longer prevent anyone from living a wonderful life.

Understand more
about stress 

Learn the root causes
of all behaviors

What concrete solutions
are available for you

A full stack of practical tips
to change your life

How you can turn
your life around

Our result-based crazy guarantee,
and how we will support you every step of the way

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