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Life is a Puzzle. Master the Pieces. Live well.

The Puzzle piece MY COMPASS

Practice book


The Puzzle is a solution to deal with stress and uncertainty

The Puzzle material and certified services are solely sold on the Puzzle website, and cannot be purchased from any other source. 

The Puzzle is a solution to deal with stress and uncertainty

The Puzzle is a proprietary methodology, protected by Copyrights.

The Puzzle is a solution to deal with stress and uncertainty

This Copy is personal and cannot be shared or sold. 

The Puzzle is a solution to deal with stress and uncertainty

The Puzzle exists in 3 formats: audio, PDF and online.

  • You own the audio and pdf files relating to the theme you have purchased

  • The Puzzle online is available upon subscription, with clickable access to the full Puzzle.


Look up on the right hand corner of the pdf document: the icons inform you which format is available for that particular piece of information. 

live well be well

The Puzzle is not suitable to overcome physical or psychological abuses, nor mental diseases. I urge you to liaise with professionals for support should you be in such a case.

1st Step


Explore the Puzzle framework

Puzzle framwork

Deep dive


2nd Step 


Witness how others have used the Puzzle and inspire yourself

People story


3rd Step 


  1. Pick one Puzzle piece 

  2. Apply the tip(s) 

  3. Follow up on results 

  4. Acknowledge positive impact

  5. Repeat

The puzzle tips

Practice book


The practice book is available to keep track of my thoughts, and support me step by step through my transformation to live well.

I will find here all the Puzzle tips, together with some help on how to apply these tips, and measure progress.

I can either print it and write on it, or use a side booklet of my own to take notes.

3 key advises to live well are:

  1. Start small, and build up from there.

  2. Experiment in place and/or with people I am comfortable with, then expand.

  3. The more I practise, the more comfortable I am, and the easier it gets!

Have fun anchoring these new habits! 

Live well.


How do you feel starting this practice book? On a scale 0 to 100.

How do you want to feel after applying the Puzzle in your life? On a scale 0 to 100.

Close my eyes and imagine being there.
Capture here with my own key words what it feels like - with some thoughts, feelings and sensations how it will be:

When do I want to be there?

And when do I want to start?!

I have chosen to focus on the tips of the Puzzle piece:


    Capture why I have chosen to transform the role "my Compass" plays

    On a scale from 1 to 10, capture my perception how dysfunctional the Puzzle piece "my Compass" is today

    On a scale from 1 to 10, write down what success will look like after I have successfully practiced the tip for 7 days in-a-row

    Last, capture what I have achieved after these 7 days






What this tip is about:

How to practice this tip?

As a reminder, my Compass is all about what I deeply believe in, and the dominant feeling that comes with it. I can for instance be very scared or stressed about life in general. Or I can be angry, or frustrated.

Wanting to feel something else is not enough to change the direction of my Compass, as I cannot command my feelings. However, I can transform myself and make room for other feelings to arise and become dominant.

One way to transform myself is to solve a Cold Case, should I have one (cf. “my Filter” tips).

Another option is to consciously make space for one feeling I desire to live more. I choose this feeling, and start by remembering good memories associated with it.
Not so much for the events themselves, but to feel how I felt during these moments. Bring up the emotion(s) I want to enhance. Also keep feeling it as much as possible: awaken with it, have it with me throughout the day.

As I enjoy feeling that way, I will naturally look for more of it, and find myself in situations where I can experience it! My Compass will evolve towards it too, as I consciously install this good feeling in my life.

To change the direction my Compass points at - and therefore the dominant feeling in my life; the key is to work on my emotions.

My Compass is pure feelings: although thoughts and feelings often come together, my Compass could not care less about what I think! I cannot control feelings: I can amplify them, or I can consciously replace one by another.

To amplify a good feeling, the trick is to remember situations I experienced and where I was present. For instance a good laugh where I felt very happy - if happiness is the feeling I want to boost. 

Remember the moment, and more importantly, remember how it felt. By bringing back this memory with its feeling, I will insert join again in the present tense.

Replacing my dominant feeling with another one in a sustainable manner is also connected to how much I deeply believe in it.

My biases could be holding me back to evolve in a direction that suits me better. To change the beliefs that are polluting my life, leverage the tips associated with the Puzzle pieces “my Filter” and “Connecting to myself”.

To wrap up, the process to amplify a feeling is as follows:

  • Choose the feeling I want to boost: …………………………………………………………….

  • Remember a moment I lived, where I felt this emotion. Each time I have a moment, bring back this memory associated to the feeling I want to grow in my life, and feel it

  • Make the effort to notice during my day all the events that are connected to this positive feeling

  1. On Day 1 of the experiment, how much is this feeling I want to install in my life present during my day (in %)

  2. On Day 7, after I have practised this emotion over and over,  do I find this feeling more accessible throughout the day?

Table of content

  • Changing the direction of my Compass at (so it suits me better)

  • Trusting my feelings

Next - intro
Previous - tips

Reflecting back on this experience:

  • What worked well?

  • What will you change with the next Puzzle piece?

Be kind to yourself!
Habits come and go: what matters is to be directionally correct.
It is OK to come back to a Puzzle piece you have already tackled, or to take more time to anchor a habit.
Do as it suits you best.


More challenges?

Come back to the Puzzle as you see fit

Seeking for inspiration?

Go through Thoughts and People’s stories to find out how others have leverage the Puzzle to solve their challenge



What this tip is about:

How to practice this tip?

Feelings are intuitive.

I cannot think twice about a feeling: it just comes, like a first impression does! Listening and trusting my feelings means that I follow my intuition. Thoughts come right after, and usually I then question whether I am right to feel how I feel!

By example, I want to believe in ideas that make me feel good. I hope they happen to me, but I don’t know for sure. For instance, I want to meet my soulmate. or have a successful career. Such ideas make me feel good. And then comes the doubt whether my life will be it. How would I know?! Maybe the exact opposite happens! 

And indeed, my dear Ego, I do not know!! 

But I do know two things: (1) I do not need to be protected from that idea because it does me well, and (2) I like how this idea makes me feel. Both are enough to choose to believe in a bright future.  

I don't need to know if it is true, or to be sure: all I need to know is that it makes me feel good. It may happen, or not. In any case, I will enjoy the ride a lot more thinking this way than if I stress myself.

1. Each time I am in a new situation, or meet with someone new during my 7 days-in-a-row, note down my first impression. 

  • Make sure it is the one I have before I start to think and rationalise the exchange.

By paying attention to my first impression, I am also consciously making room for it. I am showing my interest, and by doing so my first impression will grow stronger - and I will accordingly notice it even more easily. 

My Compass will also support me, amplifying what I unconsciously want to feel in that moment. 

2. Once I have more information about the new situation or person, I should come back to my first impression and take a step back:

  • in %, how often was I right with my first impression?

  • in %, how many times did I double guess myself, thinking I was wrong?!

3. Still on emotions, I shall pay attention when I am not comfortable. For instance, when my level of stress is increasing, I often feel more tension in my muscles.

Let’s do a quick survey:

  • How often do I pay attention to my emotions or my body during the day? Both to acknowledge how well I am, or how uncomfortable.

  • In particular, how often do my emotions or my body warn me when I am in a situation that does not suit me?

  • When it happens, how often do I listen, ask myself what I need, and give it to myself?

  • And are these pieces of information useful to help me adjust to the situation I live?

  • As I pay more attention to my emotions and my body, am I living better my days?

Write down these answers every day during the 7 days-in-a-row experiment, and see what my trend is.

As I witness a positive trend, I shall continue to listen to my emotions and my body. My intuition is another piece of information to help me best react to situations I live.

On the other hand, if I identify that my intuition is not reliable, then it is most likely that my Compass is set on some emotions that are polluting myself. 

After I have reviewed the tips associated with the Puzzle pieces “My Filter” and “Connecting to myself”, come back to this tip and reassess progress.













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